Believe this?

Northern VA
Oh yea... damn it! Sorry guys...

Stevefazek said:
How much Oil left in the World "read Please"


All right these numbers took some time to crunch. I got them from my shareholder handouts from oil companies from several printed sources. Including national geographic

The shareholder hand outs give important info about their current plans for production and what not.

Currently there are 1,069,421 billion barrels of oil left in the reserves through out the whole world.

Yes there’s a few that were left out. They were too small to be economically viable to produce oil. They are so small it would be like picking food out of a dumpster or looking for change in your couch to pay the rent.

Not exactly good. The major problem with these numbers, are that I do not account for increase demand from China, India, Iraq. These countries and several others are to have a concidable increase in demand for oil a huge boom. On top of the rest of the world ever increasingly thirst for oil.

Currently as of 2002 the world consumed 22,506 billion barrels of oil a year. Taking that into account, we have 47.5 years of oil left. The scary part 2002 less oil was consumed for the reason of 911. A huge drop in air travel, People drove less people bought less “less demand for transportation of goods”

Well the problem will get worse as prices go
The US oil production peaked in 1970

The world outside the Middle East will Peak in 2006 according to Colin Campbell. This is an investment firm who works with oil companies.

Oil production in the Middle East will peak in 2016.

This is much worse then the essentially worthless study by USGS. This relied on us keep on finding huge oil gushers. Failed to account for that we are finding smaller and smaller oil wells in harder to reach areas and counted the tar sands in Canada which cost about 10 times more to get a barrel of oil out of then a well
Said oil will peak world wide in 2023 and in the Middle East in 2040.

Who would you trust a company that has allot of money at stake or a government agency who’s boss would have allot of scared people to deal with? Much like a Duck and cover sense of well being
Charleston, SC
if you read on through the thread, the guys state a few things that are future signs of alternative oil sources which are true, but the prices will still sky rocket when the oil becomes depleted.

Be as pessimistic about our oil shortages as you like, but it will happen, but not as you might thing.

When the time comes, which will be a long before oil will be out, there will be many outstanding technological advancements as a power source over the internal combustion engine, it will make your head spin. ...well, it wont then, the the idea today would be impressive.

even if we lose the outdated engine that we have today, im sure we will be happy with the power we will have in vehicles in the future. but i would miss the sound.
I think the estimate may even be optimistic, we may have LESS refinable crude oil than they think. But we have been too lazy to develop other technologies because gas was so cheap.

Look for the return of Nuclear power plant construction in 10 to 15 years - to provide electricity to power electric cars, split water for H and O to power fuel cell cars, breed fuel to power nuclear powered cars (30 - 50 years - Mr. Fusion from "Back to the Future" comes to mind).
Also, that is only talking about reserves. There are still oil wells, and huge areas of oil that havent even been tapped into yet. I heard something about a large oil well somewhere under the ocean, around africa, that has enough oil to supply the world for 100+ years. Of course thats an estimate, but fairly accurate, give or take a few years. I am sure this is just another rumor trying to send the world into a scare. Can't really believe anythingnow days.
Atlanta, GA
That report is bunk, and as stated by jszar is only taking into account reserves.. Saudi has enough oil in it's current wells to last over 100 years at the current barrel per day removal rate. Just 3 1/2 years ago Saudi oil prospecters discovered an as yet unknown oil depository under a mountain range near the Iraqi border. They estimate this one well to hold 4 times more oil than the largest well currently being utilized in Saudi. (This from my brother in law who worked for the Saudi Gov. for a few years, doing guess what; "Exploratory Refinement Research")

Granted we need to come up with a better solution for power, but we're doing quite fine until then. Every few years the 'oil scare' bit starts to circle around again.. Anyone remember the 80's? (Some of you do, I think!)

I suspect engines of the future will be totally silent, not even a 'blender' sound to hear. (Unless the A/C is on!) [:D] I'd bet by the time this change comes, we'll be old farts, and our kids, kids will be more than ready to get rid of stinky gas beltching combustion engines.


Scottsdale, AZ
Dinan55 said:
Originally Posted by Stevefazek
How much Oil left in the World "read Please"


All right these numbers took some time to crunch. I got them from my shareholder handouts from oil companies from several printed sources. Including national geographic

The shareholder hand outs give important info about their current plans for production and what not.

Currently there are 1,069,421 billion barrels of oil left in the reserves through out the whole world.

Yes there’s a few that were left out. They were too small to be economically viable to produce oil. They are so small it would be like picking food out of a dumpster or looking for change in your couch to pay the rent.

Not exactly good. The major problem with these numbers, are that I do not account for increase demand from China, India, Iraq. These countries and several others are to have a concidable increase in demand for oil a huge boom. On top of the rest of the world ever increasingly thirst for oil.

Currently as of 2002 the world consumed 22,506 billion barrels of oil a year. Taking that into account, we have 47.5 years of oil left. The scary part 2002 less oil was consumed for the reason of 911. A huge drop in air travel, People drove less people bought less “less demand for transportation of goods”

Well the problem will get worse as prices go
The US oil production peaked in 1970

The world outside the Middle East will Peak in 2006 according to Colin Campbell. This is an investment firm who works with oil companies.

Oil production in the Middle East will peak in 2016.

This is much worse then the essentially worthless study by USGS. This relied on us keep on finding huge oil gushers. Failed to account for that we are finding smaller and smaller oil wells in harder to reach areas and counted the tar sands in Canada which cost about 10 times more to get a barrel of oil out of then a well
Said oil will peak world wide in 2023 and in the Middle East in 2040.

Who would you trust a company that has allot of money at stake or a government agency who’s boss would have allot of scared people to deal with? Much like a Duck and cover sense of well being
blah blah blah blah send this to 10 friends and your wish will come true tonight blah blah blah blah

P.S. our dependence on oil will lessen as we continue to create cleaner burning, more efficient, engines. Increasing population will offset the efficiency savings somewhat, but future engines will rely on internal combustion (IC) only as a backup to recharge power cells, emergencies, haul loads, extravagant sports car with huge taxes levied against it, etc. There will be plenty of 100% NON-IC vehicles out there too. There is nothing wrong with the IC engine - it's just too wasteful in today's form. It'll never completely disappear...IC is just too damn easy! GO IC!
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that's the reason why i've bought cheap stocks of nuclear power plant companies ;) 2 years ago. The fast increasing demand of energy in the world will only be covered by nuclear energy..... bad development but it's so...
Old news? Head of oil meets Clean Machine.

BMW 750hL

IMO a gradual transition will take place when necessary. Oil = money, and too many people in high places are in favor of the demand that oil brings and enjoy that more than something else becoming mainstream.
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hydrogen- combustion-maschines like the 750hl have a bad overall efficiency compared to the fuel cells. They only have their existence authorization during the conversion from fossil fuel- to hydrogen gas stations.... but the "great change" isn't so close at it seems ;)
