I went to BMW of Manhattan (or what ever the dealership is called) once to get the code for the radio and didn't like them at all. First of all, I called them and they said they'll get the code free of charge. I got there, the building is nice and everything, waited for about 10 mins just to hear that it costs 118 bucks to get the code. They started BSing me like if the radio would require the code (I was about to swap the head unit and wanted the code for the old one in case the new one refuses to work) it would be free, so I said fine, I'll just disconect and reconect the battery right now reall quick and the radio would need the code to work, the guy realised he was busted and said: "ummm, no, because it works now" or something along those lines. So I called another dealership and got the code for the 5 cents it cost me to make a copy of the registration and driver's lisence. I think you are better of boing to Jersey and find another dealership that will treat you the best, after all that's what you pay them for, right.