MrElussive said:
It's easy. I spun out hard-core during the earlier miles of my car. I was whipping through a curvey road in 3rd gear and I mashed on the gas too hard when entering the turn. The LSD tried to give both tires equal traction, which ended up pushing the car's tail out. I spun completely around and smashed into a curb with my left rear wheel. Even after that (and to this day) I try to be careful now when accelerating through a curve, but there have been two more incidents where the tail went out on me...fortunately, the last two times it happened, I was able to put the car back on track before anything crazy happened.
Same thing here, worse time it happened was merging onto a highway(!!) going about 30 mph in 2nd, right as I started to point forward, I gave it a little too much gas (never would have thought it was enough to do anything) and sure enough my rear end slid out and I was steering CRAZY to get it back, which it did with no problems. Thank god there were no Semi's barreling down the road at 65 mph!!!
I'm very careful around turns now, the Limited slip differential can save your life if you're trying to pull out quickly in rain, but it can mess you up if you dont know how to control it.
I wouldnt trade it for anything though!!!