We must be reading different magazines, because in the magazines I buy(Automobile, Car, C&D, etc.) every time a new model comes out, I often read: "[fill in auto here] raises the benchmark," or "this model sets a standard for [fill in name here] to beat," etc. The benchmark thing is cyclical...BMW may have "set the benchmark" a decade ago, but times are a helluva lot more competitve now, and they often find themselves chasing the benchmark as often as they "set" it. Case and point: the E64. When the E38 was getting old, Benz came out with its new S-class, and all the car mags were praising its technological innovations, gadgets, etc. Then BMW's E64 trumped that, and then the A8 came out, and all the techno-sophistication rheotirc was used then, too. Same goes for the E-class, 5er, and now with the A6. Mark my words: when the 06/07? S-Class comes out, all this benchmark talk will get recycled all over again, and I'm betting this will continue for the foreseeable future...